Christian Book Editing and Proofreading - Free Manuscript Evaluations


Are you in the process of completing your Christian manuscript or struggling to perfect it? Our professional Christian Book Editing Services can help you to perfect your work and provide you with peace of mind knowing that everything has been double-checked and fine-tuned!  

Upon completion, you will have a much more professional Christian manuscript that is much stronger and that will be free of spelling errors, grammatical errors, typographical errors, and other errors that could greatly hinder your publication and success.    

When it comes to Christian Book Editing don't trust your Christian manuscript to just any book editing service. Professional Christian Book editing requires not only an experienced editor but also a Christian editor with years of experience and knowledge in manuscript editing, Kingdom principles, and knowledge in scripture and the application of scripture.

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Author Paul Christopher Woodward

 Imagine, after 300 years, your only birthright is to exist as a helpless slave under the whip of the most powerfully evil empire on earth. 

Where was the God of your ancestors? Did He even exist? 

General: The Story of Kalev Son of Hezron

A Must Have Book - The Jesus Gospel


THE JESUS GOSPEL Four Gospels, Four Records, One Book...His Story 

Never before has there been a book combining a word-for-word timeline of the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) using only Bible text. For the first time ever, The Jesus Gospel brings together a complete, easy to follow, groundbreaking chronology of the life of Jesus Christ.


I found The Jesus Gospel fascinating. The way the four Gospels were combined into a single chronologic record, using the words from the Bible was an ingenious idea. I could now follow Jesus' time on earth in a single narrative. I recommend The Jesus Gospel to everyone who would like a deeper and detailed view of Jesus.- Clarence Thomas - Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States

The Jesus Gospel: A First Word-for-Word Combination of the Four Gospels

Jesus, the King of kings and Lord of Lords - The Magnificent One

Hot off the press. A Must-Read for anyone desiring an intimate walk with Jesus, the King of kings and Lord of lords! 

The Magnificent Jesus: Walking in Intimacy presents deep scriptural truths from the book of Revelation 1: 5-7 is a life-changing book that will encourage you, stir your faith, and bring you closer to Jesus.  
This book is designed to elevate the reader into true intimacy with Christ while knowing Who Christ is in Heaven.

Designed to reflect each scripture verse and meaning - 10 powerful chapters offer an easy-to-read and understand format that consists of prayer, focus on the scripture verse, commentary, reflection notes by a leader in ministry, and your own notes, making the book an interactive journey into Scripture and application.  

The Introduction and tools on the “inner room” along with acronym tools such as A.R.K., make this book a discovery journey of how intimacy is fostered through authority, the power of the Holy Spirit, and prayer to facilitate tapping into the deep river of God, knowing Him intimately, and walking in your God-given authority as a Kingdom Priest, forgiven and washed in His Blood to overcome. 

Insights from authors and ministry leaders contribute to this book such as: Lou Engle, John Arnott, Duncan Smith, and many international leaders such as: Sarah Jane Biggart, Wes Hall, Franklyn Spence, Murray Heibert,  Steve Uppal, Dele Olowu, Dean Briggs & Carolyn Jones

Keep in mind this is the revelation from Jesus Christ given to John, his servant, by an angel that was sent to him while exiled on the island of Patmos. John testifies to the things he sees and hears, writing all down in the Word of God for us today. 

Understanding these truths from Scripture reveals to readers what Jesus has done for those who call upon His name and bring clarity, elevating each seeker to intimacy, authority, and power within the Word of God. 

The insight and knowledge from Scripture, alongside many who have served God as leaders and lovers of God, catapults readers into knowing their authority in Christ, as they drink deep from the river of God to spread the gospel message to others. 

A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

You may get your copy of 
The Magnificent Jesus: Walking in Intimacy at Amazon and in Kindle

Author Jeff Schmiedel

This is a tribute to the “Jeff and Kris Story” that readers will find captivating, heartbreaking, and soothing. He shows that one can let go after such a tragedy; however, most certainly his landscape of life is forever changed after Kris. Hearts and hugs go out to him and the entire family! This is one of those books one will always cherish and find memorable.  

Author Jeff Schmiedel writes his love story with Kris, his wife of only 3 short years, and her untimely diagnosis of brain cancer. Jeff starts at the beginning of meeting Kris, their journey to falling in love to their wedding, and their plans for the future of family. 

She was the love of his life he stated. Then one fatal day when she had a seizure at work their lives were turned “upside down.” Lovingly sharing fond memories and the terrifying rollercoaster of events that ensued, until the final day. 

Every day was a step into the unknown and they took it together and also as a family. His book is written to help reveal to readers the availability of other medicines, what helped them, and what they found that did not work. In addition, he advises other healing treatments that are available, including letting the readers know the benefits of natural health. 

From the moment one embarks on this journey, I knew this book would be a difficult one to endure. This is a touchy subject – the dreaded “C” word, on top of that, a brain cancer that came back with a vengeance. What struck me most is his strong faith in a loving God. He states that this faith carried him through, although he doesn’t pretend to know the “why” of it all. Clearly, his faith has increased, not decreased, which is what I really want to point out. 

Compassionately he has compiled this book to bring healing, hope, and health to others. Each chapter shows the arduous journey and the trials that not only affected Kris, but engulfed an entire family. Each person, each opportunity reveals a husband committed to his love and also the never-ending support of family that helped carry the couple through their darkest hours. This book will bring tears, I guarantee. 

This book is highly recommended for those who are searching for hope and health, and also for those who are going through the dreaded diagnosis of cancer. The author again offers other pathways to healing, rather than conventional medicine. 

A highly recommended, heart-touching read.

Persevering with Brain Cancer: 
A Search for Hope and Health
By: Jeff Schmiedel
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

You may get your copy of Persevering with Brain Cancer at Amazon 
or in Kindle as a download. 

The Virgin Birth - Gospel Basics


“Now the birth of Jesus was as follows:  After His mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph, and before they came together, she was found with child by the Holy Spirit.”  (Matthew 1:18)


Jesus’ virgin birth isn’t a myth or merely a random fact from the Gospels.  It is a special honor bestowed upon a name that Jesus loved to be called, the “Son of God.”  It is full of significance in knowing that Jesus was BOTH human and divine (incarnation) at the same time and He will be forevermore.

From Scripture, it is certainly clear that Jesus’ birth was the result of the Holy Spirit working within Mary’s body.  In some miraculous way, the ovum in the womb of Mary was impregnated with life apart from a human father.  God simply put the spark of life it her and, one by one, the cells began to multiply.

God was the father of the humanity of Jesus.  The deity of Jesus was never an issue.  He is called the Son of God because in His human nature He IS the Son of God as Joseph was not involved. God brought about virtually a second creation, a second man, without the original sin from the male line of Adam. 

Linking to the family tree of Mary made Him a descendant of David and Abraham, which also fulfilled various promises that God had made to them.

Jesus was born with no sin.  He had no inherited sin nature from Adam.  The virgin birth bypassed the transmission of the sin nature and allowed the eternal God to become a perfect man as ONLY a sinless man could save humanity from God’s wrath.

In Jesus’ humanity, He is subject to the Father because the Father is greater than His humanity.  But in His deity, Jesus is coequal with God the Father because He is of one essence with Him.

The doctrine of the virgin birth of Jesus is important for several reasons:

  • It showed God’s initiative in redeeming mankind in the fact that our redemption was not initiated by man, as we in our sinfulness cannot save ourselves.

  • It highlighted the miraculous impregnation of Mary by God Himself. Only a perfect man could save mankind from the first perfect man’s (Adam) sin.

  • It shows the uniqueness of Jesus as no other man in history was ever conceived from a virgin.  No other man is both human and divine at the same time.

  • It fulfills Scripture, especially the Prophecy of Isaiah 7:14 where he proclaimed that the Savior would be born of a virgin.


Additional References: Isaiah 7:14, Luke 1:35

The Virgin Birth - Gospel Basics

Overcoming The Attack's of the Enemy


For ten years our relationship was horrible. We couldn't stand to look at each other, let alone be around each other. Satan wanted to keep it that way because he knew that God had a ministry for us. He tried for a long time to keep that from happening. God has brought us from a long way together. We went through some dreadful experiences with each other. But to God be the glory. What Satan has tried to stop, we rebuked him in the name of Jesus, and is now able to tell our story and to help someone out. We hope that the experiences and prayers in this book will be a blessing to you. We are ready to be used by God in any way possible. We love God and the people He brings our way. This is not our testimony but God's testimony.

Spiritual Warfare Prayer Journal

Highly Recommended - Pre-Deployment Guidebook from a Christian's Perspective

Pre-Deployment Guidebook from a Christian's Perspective
Author: Brad D. Nelson PhD

Whether you and your family are experienced deployers or first-timers, deployments are arguably one of the most challenging and unsettling experiences you’ll ever have. As exemplary of a job the military does to prepare servicemembers and their families for both the knowns and the unknowns, only God, who knows the end from the beginning, and the best and safest route for us to take, can bridge the gap between human limitation and the miraculous, from unbridled anxiety to a peace that surpasses all understanding.

Walk with me through this unrestrained guidebook as I share mine and my family’s journey from fear to faith, from skepticism to divine perspective and awe. Suggestions are provided on how to process the announcement, informing loved ones, understanding the cycle of emotions, getting one’s affairs in order, and a host of other invaluable insights. Bottom line up front: Don’t leave home without Christ!

Brad D. Nelson, Ph.D., is from Hillsboro, OH, and is a 2023 Marquis Who's Who Listee and active-duty Air Force officer assigned to Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio. Mr. Nelson is active in his church and community, a "Big Brother" for Big Brothers, Big Sisters of America, and an impassioned advocate for improving the plight of Returning Citizens. His favorite Old Testament scripture is, "The fruit of righteousness is a tree of life, and he who wins souls is wise" (Proverbs 11:30). Mr. Nelson and his wife (Amanda) call the Dayton, Ohio, area home.

You may get your copy of Pre-Deployment Guidebook from a Christian's Perspective at Amazon or in Kindle as a download. Be sure to visit the author at God's Guidance on the Battlefield.

A Self Guide to Daily Struggles

A Must Read Book - Keys to the Troubled Soul: A Self Guide to Daily Struggles by Dr. Oladapo OsuntoKun, a pastor and psychiatrist, has seen many afflicted by mental and emotional struggles. 

He understands people's troubles and has written a practical self-help guide to help one make sense of life’s maladies, thus offering wisdom, to include practical solutions based on years of experience, coupled with a Christian background. This wonderful book uplifts the readers to help them in their time of need. Ultimately, the author leads readers to the “real truth” in life stating, “His name is Jesus.” Within this book, he offers keys to spiritual life in overcoming that include perspective, prayer, and meditation.  

Stating that, “There is no growth without obstacles,” and that “adversities are common,” this self-guide is written with great compassion. Knowing the plethora of human struggles that can take place in one’s life, the author also relates that darkness and hopelessness can plague the mind and soul of an individual, especially wherein one feels isolated with no one to help or talk to. Reading this book is like consulting a caring friend and finding the help one needs in various areas of life, which are all common to mankind.

Giving readers a “how to” achieve “spiritual and mental clarity”, while also addressing practical solutions, and “steps to overcome challenges,” this book is laid out easily, double-spaced with powerful statements. Each sentence has a way of sinking in while reading with this format (instead of paragraphs) that is utilized. The author has created a book with the overall goal of managing daily stress and mental positivity while trusting Jesus and participating in daily Christian disciplines such as prayer; again, his book is extremely practical. Specific issues such as jealousy, betrayal, sorrow, resentment, despair, depression, drug, and alcohol use, stressed, or feeling “stuck”, regret, defeat, and failure produce a true self-help guide. 

Discovering who you are and taming emotions, along with perspective and the inner thought life of a person fosters maturity and transformation. The keys to a positive outlook on life with the aid of functioning as a Christian, seeking Jesus, helps one become “resilient” through life’s trials.

He states, “A real knockdown” can lead to “pin-down” wherein the person is unable to arise; this is where morals, values, and character come into play. One can learn to navigate their response to unannounced calamity. How one responds is key. He continues to give the keys through each chapter that bring maturity and build character. He encourages readers to “Always think positively, the next adversity may contain the path to your success.” Failure, hardship, disappointments, and discouragements are not the end of your story, but can be flipped to a future one may never have imagined. His message is clear: It is not the end when facing adversity.

The “Take Home Summary” at the end of each chapter is especially helpful, as the author encourages readers to keep close to God, keep peace in their heart and mind, as one hears from Jesus and the Word of God for relief, strategies, and solutions.

This book comes as a highly recommended read for those that find living in this world feels more like a battlefield! This author has put a great deal of work into writing a self-help guide that includes many issues that no one on this planet has escaped. Real, practical, uplifting, encouraging, and full of sound wisdom backed by the Biblical wisdom found in Scripture bring much hope to readers. Surely, this book helps one to become a champion in life and leads to a positive mindset that is achievable.

Surely, this book can be of much use to pastors, missionaries, parents, and the next generation as they mature into adults, giving many the tools and keys to unlocking their destinies in life. 

A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

You may get your copy of Keys to the Troubled Soul: A Self Guide to Daily Struggles at Amazon 
or in Kindle as a download.

Filled With Scriptural Truths

 Christian Reading by Ted A. Roberts

Get more information about Ted A. Roberts
and his books at


Encountering Jesus

Highly Recommended

Going Deeper: 40-Week Discipleship Guide to Encountering Jesus by Jeff Mootz teaches pivotal, individual discipleship and intimacy with Jesus through a comprehensive step-by-step guide in Going Deeper that includes an 8 Step Module. 

Personally interactive (also for small groups, churches, or prayer groups), this incredible book is an easy-to-read and practical guidebook that gives readers the “how to” come close to encountering Jesus! 

This is what we are all longing for. We are taught that prayer is communion with God. However, how many really do encounter the One and True Living God? This is a book that will help readers go deeper into praise, worship, and the Word, leading to encountering Jesus and the Holy Spirit. This book will lead to a genuine and deeper relationship with Jesus and mentor many spiritual mothers and fathers. 

Each module has been developed with practical reading assignments and prayer assignments. This is also an intimate discipleship tool for those who desire to become spiritual mentors. Within this book, he builds a structure that will take time through the 8 Prayer Modules of Spiritual Planning, Friendship with God, Meditation, Praying in the Spirit, Deliverance, Bible Study, Fasting, and the Throne Room ushering in a Biblical and passionate study guide bringing firm dedication to the Lord with a heart of full surrender. 

Challenging readers to look at certain heart issues brings a commitment that stems from a loving relationship with encountering Jesus. These steps are fostered on a daily basis. Communication and friendship flow with the Holy Spirit. Readers not only encounter the Lord but hear from Him themselves. This is truly an amazing study guide!

Jeff Mootz is a seasoned prayer minister and pastor with over 16 years of experience in leadership with a degree from the International House of Prayer in Kansas City. This book comes highly recommended for those that want to “go deeper” and truly know the will of the Lord and better understand His Word, and also for those that truly desire to be led by the Holy Spirit, to include the discovery of their own giftings in the Lord.

Additionally, this study guide, Going Deeper: 40-Week Discipleship Guide to Encountering Jesus is a well-balanced book that brings enrichment and knowledge to the soul through the daily Bible study, tears down strongholds and blockages of the enemy, and so much more…leading to blessings. 

“To Know Him is to love Him, to serve Him is to obey Him and only those that follow Him will be those that become spiritual mothers and fathers disciplining others and their children in the Lord.  A CBM Christian Book Review ~ 10.0 out of 10.0+ stars

You may get your copy of Going Deeper: 40-Week Discipleship Guide to Encountering Jesus at Amazon. For more information about the author and his ministry visit Prayer DiscipleshipYou may also order your copy of Jeff's Mootz book directly from the author at Going Deeper and at The Prayer Discipleship Shop where you can also find more information about The Going Deeper Course.