There Is More

René Harkins born and raised in Germany shares in his autobiography "I AM better than you think" how he experiences deep voids in his heart as a child, caused by an unhealthy family environment. Trying to find satisfaction in drugs he gets caught in the vicious cycle of Heroin for almost 20 years. Crime, police and prison are part of it.
Believing that there is more to life than what you can see, he goes on a spiritual journey which takes him all over the world. He comes in contact with different religions, philosophies, and new age movements where he meets Gurus and Priests, practicing Yoga, Buddhistic Meditation and prayer.
The result of his search is so overwhelming, he experiences a complete transformation, discovers the reason for life, and his true identity. As the healing takes place on the inside, restoration is visible on the outside. He finds a wonderful wife, has children, leads a private language school, teaches at the public school, experiences financial overflow and ... so much more. 

Amazed about the true identity of who he really is, he realizes that the boundaries set by human thinking are no longer his limits. Get your copy of I AM Better Than You Think at Amazon.

Victory In The Face of Adversity and Youthful Rebellion.

A collection of real-life battles, giving insight into the spiritual battle. These Christian fiction novels have a theme of redemption and restoration for today’s youth. 

The author has created a unique series that touches on controversial subjects that face our youth of today. With compassion and tough love, the books present an overcoming victory in the face of adversity and youthful rebellion.

JR Thompson releases, The Worthy Battle Series

Rebuilding Alden - Alden is a delinquent youth bent on destroying himself. With abusive and violent tendencies, he meets Probation Officer Phillip Bones whose tough love and sacrificial service give Alden a fighting chance. This story offers an endearing look at the story of a rebellious teenager redeemed by the love of God. Bones sometimes unconventional ways bring suspense and intrigue to a story that turns out better than expected!

Redirecting Billy – Book 2 in The Worthy Battle Series depicts a young boy named Billy whose scheming, lying and thievery are a way of life. Defiant and a possible gang banger, Billy’s life consists of drugs and hussling which are no big deal to Billy. He also sees nothing wrong with usury and making the government pay for his way while he sits at home doing whatever his young heart wills. Billy is easily angered and believes a life of crime is his only future until he meets Probation Officer Phillip Bones. Bones is determined to teach this young man integrity, respect and hard work as a way to success instead of living the life of the streets.

Reprogramming Carlos – Book 3 in The Worthy Series presents Carlos Estrada. A classic clown with no cares in the world. His choice of function is to not take anything seriously. His immaturity is an embarrassment and he is on a path to becoming known as a possible sex offender. In this series, Bones questions whether or not he can help this kid who just does not seem to care about anything. In this heart-wrenching series, a rollercoaster ride of emotions culminates into a story that will make you jump for joy.

Reforming Dawson – Book 4 in The Worthy Battle Series, Dawson, a rich kid born with the proverbial silver spoon in his mouth thinks his money is what makes him better than everyone else. And worse, Dawson thinks his bribes and temptations will sway Bones from treating him the same as everyone else. It’s obvious Dawson needs a strong reality check and needs to learn the value of good day’s work with a firm lesson on the value of money. With his work cut out for him, Bones proceeds to teach Dawson valuable life lessons that will he will appreciate, once he learns his money can’t save him.

Renovating Elliot – Book 5 in The Worthy Battle Series, Elliot depicts a young boy drowning his problems with alcohol abuse and illegal activity. He seems to like being bad, but his friends realize that Elliot is on his way down into a spiraling death spin that will leave him at the bottom with no way out. But that doesn’t scare Elliot. He likes being in control and no one will tell him what to do – that’s until Probation Officer Phillip Bones gets a hold of him. Bones is in for a battle and a spiritual one at that with this kid! Readers will cheer for joy as they watch Elliot’s transformation. 

Refurbishing Felipe – Book 6 in The Worthy Series, Refurbishing Elliot takes readers on a thrill ride of emotions and into a deep spiritual battle for Felipe’s mind. Controlled by outbursts and radical mood swings, Felipe’s bipolar episodes seemed to be spiraling out of control. His grandparents thought he would outgrow his mood swings but are worried that they are leading Felipe down a very dark path. Bones thinks he has a way of helping Felipe without the use of drugs since Felipe refuses to take his medication; Bones is everyone’s last chance. Felipe and Bones are in for the fight of their life. Will darkness succumb to the light?  

JR Thompson has been an advocate for youth for over eighteen years. As a current assistant pastor and director of Canaan’s Land Boys Ranch, his love for under-privileged youth spans a lifetime of service as a mentor, housing foster children, as an adoptive parent, and also as a director for at-risk youth programs. His love and sacrifice remind us all what love looks like to those youth that are our future. Many youths today need loving guidance and a Biblical foundation.  

For more information visit JR Thompson's Amazon page

Finding Victory Over Darkness

A Must Read - Carving Hope out of Depression: Victory Over Darkness and a Path to Self-Love by David Harder offers hope for anyone who has or is suffering with depression, loneliness, hopelessness or considered suicide as a way to end the pain. 

His book presents hope in Jesus Christ, no matter what religion or belief system one holds, we all have different lives, encounters and experiences, yet there is one common thread we all need: Redemption in the love of God. He encourages all to look up to God for help, offering a discovery of Jesus as the Good Shepherd, shedding light on His Word, His hope, His love and offering a light to lead the way out of darkness.

Finding himself with no hope after a string of failed marriages and dashed hopes, the author writes how he once considered suicide as a way to end it all. His journey gives understanding on “how” God’s light saved him through a series of divine appointments and circumstances, presenting how seeking God saved his life. Told from a perspective to inspire readers to seek God, not their own answers to help lead them out of depression and hopelessness, the author presents Scripture, hope and truth. With a simple look at pertinent scripture verses and a simple method of choosing God’s ways instead of your own, the author shows that this will lead to new life.  

With each chapter readers will discover an introspective and reflective journey. Presenting a challenge to faith with thought-provoking insight into the truth of the Word of God, coupled with Biblical insight and stories as the author speaks the truth of God’s Word. Ending with discussion questions helps readers to assimilate and think back upon their own journey, choices, feelings and brings an understanding of the truth in Scripture.

There is one sentence that caught my eye and speaks to those who are perhaps “wise in their own estimations”. This one statement perhaps sums up what many have come to find in their own lives. “Self-reliance had failed me, and the results of my choices were glaringly awful. I convinced myself that I was hopeless, and God could not and would never love me.” This remarkable comment reflects what many may have experienced in some way or another. It’s our choices that can create life or death in our lives. The author lovingly expresses how God can redeem any soul, any situation and that it’s never too late.

While this book is in no way comprehensive on the subject of depression, or a substitute for counselling or professional measures, the author has given insight into understanding that perhaps you can’t do life alone without God…and two, you need Jesus more than you think. His book is simple, yet profound as he touches on the heartbeat of a life once lost (his) and relates how God can breathe new life into what you thought was dead. An amazing read!

This book comes as a highly recommended for just about anyone who is experiencing depression, hopelessness, loneliness and has, or is, currently contemplating suicide. There is hope.

Carving Hope out of Depression: 
Victory Over Darkness and a Path to Self-Love
David Harder
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars