Exposing the deception posed as “Liberalism” that is infiltrating our educational system, media, and political arenas, the authors shed light on the effect of this agenda upon our future generation and the youth of America.
This sway is far from God and godly principles, as the book brings readers up-to-date of the trends of our American culture that have led us into Liberalism, they candidly reveal the undertow that is sweeping across our culture and country. Consequently, more and more of society is swinging to the far Left that brings a modernized, humanistic and secular worldview that is currently leading our innocent children (and society) as a whole, down a corrupt path. Disguised as Liberalism (and known as “The New Morality”), this has become the Christian faith’s new enemy. The acceptance of this agenda has become so entrenched in our society, the authors have written a book to arm parents and to announce that it’s time to fight for our future generations before it’s too late.
Known as The New Morality mind set, as the authors give accounts of events and statistics, state that Liberalism is destabilizing the family and future generations through the propagation of lies, some subtle in degrees, that degrade society and is leading our youth to make wrong choices apart from God. Historically, this path of destruction sways far from biblical truth and masquerades that evil is in fact “good”, and if it feels right, do it. Revealing agendas of certain institutions in the educational system, under the guise of Liberalism and all for political gain, this book brings a deeper insight into a mindset that steals our children’s hearts and minds away from the truth.
This well-researched book explains, the authors sound the alarm to all parents to guard their children more actively ~ in all arenas, not just at home. Providing parents with practical application and knowledge that will help protect children from becoming secularized, that also brings understanding to our youth of why an embrace of a Christian perspective, values and morals matters in life. With such chapters as: The Enemy Revealed, Exposing the Myth, Public Schools- Ground Zero, Sexy Kids, Music Hits a Sour Note, Big Screen-Little Value, Invader in a Box, Children Stolen and Gone, Higher Learning and Lower Values, Black Robes Bring Dark Days, and Fighting Back, parents and future generations are given hope and the tools to fight this onslaught of worldwide secularism.
An important book for our society and comes highly recommended to every parent that stands for righteousness, who desires an America that embraces our Founding Fathers’ vision of America and to those parents that want to see strong Christian families to become the majority again.
- Abduction: How Liberalism Steals our Children’s Hearts and Minds
- By: Steven Feazel and Dr. Carol M. Swain
- ISBN #978-1-63525-146-3
- A CBM Book Review
- 10.0 out of 10.0 stars
For more information about the author and the book, visit Cultural War Book also available as an audio or paperback and can be purchased from the author's website Be The People TV. You can also catch Carol at her Twitter page or at facebook. Get your copy of Abduction at Amazon, in Kindle, Barnes and Noble and other fine online bookstores.